Build Time NA
Weight NA
Overall Length 112"
Overall Height 39"
Rake 55
Fork Length 51"
Trail 10"
Wheelbase 90
Front Wheel 20"
Rear Wheel 24"
The theme of this bike has changed. It is now a Worldathlon bike.The Rush Miller Foundation is still the organization that is having me build it. Check out the worldathlon website and sign up. It is free and for a good cause.

Worldathlon Website

The bike will be mostly the same design as before, except for the tank and rims. Here is the bike with the new rim designs.

This is the AutoCad drawing of the Worldathlon bike.

Click the Pictures to enlarge

Pictures Description
Finially finished
From the back
Tank Graphics
Finished seat
Closeup of the handlebars
Got to have the logo
Tank after carving
The milled aluminum trees with the head tube.
One of the rim plate back from the cutters
The chain stays and dropouts welded together
The rims preped for powder coat
Front of the frame welded together
Chain stays welded to the frame.
Frame with the body supports welded in.
The fender all welded up.
The body work welded in place and ground smooth
The tank fiberglassed onto the frame
Here is the bike assembled before paint

My email: mick@newlegacychoppers.com