Build Time 200 hrs
Weight 101 lbs
Overall Length 111"
Overall Height 42"
Rake 55
Fork Length 51"
Trail 10"
Wheelbase 87
Front Wheel 24"
Rear Wheel 24"

This is the AutoCad drawing of the Highboy

PRICE: $2000.00

Here are all the pictures of the build.

Click on the Pictures to enlarge

Pictures Description
The beginning of the tank out of styrofoam
Tank after carving
Frame bar bent the hard way with notches and muscle
Frame bars on the scale drawing
The front end welded together
The frame with the chainstays
My semi-flame dropouts
The widening of the bottom tube
The rods to support the body work
The triple trees tack welded and bolted in place
The triple trees cut and partially ground down
The finished triple trees on the bike.
The first rolling chassis assembly and test ride
The frame of the fender taking shape
The fender with the sheet metal covering
The fender ground smooth but not finished
The fender with the tip finished
Another view of the fender with the tips
The 3.0 slick tire in the fender
The New Legacy logo made a good gusset for the fork
The two sides of the tank after they are cast.
The rim insert placed in the tire channel before the hole for the hub was drilled.
The rims set in place for a first look.
The tank on the frame for the first time.
Finished rim before powdercoating.
The unfinished highboy loaded in the truck.
Here is the bike in the middle of doing the bondo work.
Black Base Coat
Flames masked and yellow being applied
After Yellow is applied
Final Paint after blue pearl is applied
The painted frame and fork
Seat velcro-d in place

My email: mick@nlchoppers.com